Things writers can do during a heatwave #Summer #AmWriting #WritersLife

Although I’m sitting here at my desk with my balcony doors wide open (which is driving me crazy as it’s SOOO LOUD outside), I’m still sweltering. Although it’s not the triple digits (Fahrenheit) it was last week, it’s still uncomfortably warm for Holland. Spoiler alert: Our houses were not built for this weather. So yeah, it’s hot and I’m sticky with sweat. I probably smell. But, frankly, who cares? It’s summer. We are literally a fifteen-minute bike ride from the beach. And if that’s not your cup of tea, then there’s always a plethora of adult summer-type drinks. Sangria, anyone?

Normally, summer in Holland is … well… not really a summer. It’s rain, rain, rain. This is such a typical phenomenon that there are tons of memes about it:

Aug 3.1

So, what do the Dutch do when instead of the lovely rain we usually have (sarcasm intended), there is a heat wave? They complain. And complain. And complain. It’s not very attractive.

Things to do instead:

1. Go swimming! Whether it’s the beach or an outdoor pool, getting in the water is a sure way to cool you down. And what better way to search for inspiration for that male character in your new book than ogling scrutinizing the men at the beach/pool?

Aug 3.2
Feeling inspired yet?

2. Lay on your bed in as few clothes as possible with the fan pointed at you on high. If you ‘think’ about your current writing project, this even counts as work!

3. If you insist on really working (*rolls eyes*), then head to the local library. As a governmental building, the airco isn’t set as high as the grocery store, but it’s still refreshing. And the brownies at the café are to die for!

4. Take a cold shower or bath. Grab whatever summer read you’ve been neglecting and lay in a cool bath. Don’t you know that reading is technically work for a writer? #amreading

5. Go see a movie! The theaters are air-conditioned. There’s bound to be something you want to see. Mamma Mia is a great feelgood movie that will make you forget the weather. Who knows? Maybe a movie will serve as inspiration for a new story?

6. Hit up a museum. Museums contain priceless art and are therefore temperature controlled. YES! They are also a great source of inspiration. Personally, I’m working on a story which spawned from a painting by a Dutch Master. #WIP #beingmysteriousonpurpose

7. Stick your head in the freezer. Who knows there may be some cookies in there you forgot? #truestory

8. Go to the local grocery store and browse. Yes, browse. It’s airconditioned. Trust me, you’ll be in good company.

9. Search for a complicated sangria recipe. While browsing in the grocery store, buy the ingredients. I guarantee if you make the sangria correctly, you won’t care about the heat wave after two drinks. Maybe three. Bonus: You’ll think you can write like Hemingway.

10. Search for the most popular Italian ice cream café in town and bike there for a cold treat. If there was any time to jump off your diet bandwagon, it’s now!

No, go forth and DON’T COMPLAIN!!!

Happy weekend!





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