Release Alert ~ How to Fall For a Rockstar is live!

How to Fall For a Rockstar is live!

Are you ready for Leia and Fender’s story? Leia isn’t. She doesn’t have time for the grumpy rockstar who just moved in next door. She’s too busy being a single mom. Too bad her daughter, Isla, thinks Fender is her next best friend. 

Are you ready for:
šŸ’‹ A sexy rockstar romance;
šŸ’‹ A grumpy sunshine romance;
šŸ’‹ A single mom who doesn’t want to give the time of day toĀ Mr. Grumpapottamus
šŸ’‹ A grumpy rockstar who falls head over heels for an 11-year-old;
šŸ’‹ A quirky small town romance;
šŸ’‹Ā A gang of elderly matchmakers who are too sneaky for their own good;
šŸ’‹Ā Witty banter that will have you laughing out loud.

Need more convincing? I got you! Read the first chapter below!

Chapter 1

Leia ā€“ a single mom who doesnā€™t have time for a bass player who thinks he can tell her how to be a parent no matter how sexy he is


I smile as I dump the last box on the porch. Itā€™s taken me a month to unpack all of our boxes but itā€™s done. Isla and I finally have our very own home.

Itā€™s been more than eleven years since my daughterā€™s birth but I did it. Iā€™ve fulfilled my dream. I have a job that challenges me and pays the bills. And we have our own adorable little house in the small town of Winter Falls.  

I tilt my head back and enjoy the view of the Rocky Mountains in the distance. I inhale and breathe in the crisp, fresh air. Isla and I are going to be very happy living here.

The door flies open behind me. ā€œThere you are.ā€

I ruffle Islaā€™s hair. ā€œWas I lost?ā€

She rolls her eyes. Those blue eyes are the exact same shade as mine. Her blonde curly hair is the same as mine as well. Sheā€™s my mini-me. The only trait she has from her father is her height. Sheā€™s nearly as tall as me already. Which isnā€™t saying much since Iā€™m barely five feet tall.

ā€œAre you done?ā€ Isla asks.

ā€œDone with what?ā€

She motions toward the boxes. ā€œHousework.ā€

I snort. Iā€™m a single mom. Iā€™m never done with housework. ā€œMaybe,ā€ I hedge.

ā€œGood. Letā€™s play.ā€ Subtlety doesnā€™t work on my daughter. It never has.

I still need to break down these boxes and haul them to the recycling center. I also need to finish a load of laundry, do the dishes, and clean the bathroom. And those are just my household chores.

I also have a ton of work from my boss, Brody Bragg. Being the personal assistant of a brilliant game developer with his own company is more than a full-time job. And Brody does not help matters. He assigns me tasks but never provides me with the information I need to complete them.

Weā€™ve had more than one argument. If my life was a romance novel, heā€™d be the grumpy boss I fall in love with. But this isnā€™t a romance novel. Plus, Brodyā€™s in love with Soleil, the mother of his daughter, Meadow, and he lives with them. Unlike my baby daddy who couldnā€™t escape quick enough once Isla was born.

I shove all thoughts of how demanding my boss can be and how much boring housework I have to do out of my mind. Itā€™s a beautiful Saturday afternoon and Iā€™m finally finished unpacking. We should be celebrating.

ā€œWhat do you want to play?ā€

Isla beams up at me. ā€œTag.ā€

I groan. I hate playing tag and she knows it. Whereas my daughter loves to run, I hate it. When your legs are short stumps, running is no fun. As I discovered in high school when I thought joining the cross-country team was a great way to make friends my freshman year. It wasnā€™t.

ā€œThis porch is home base,ā€ she says. ā€œAnd you canā€™t stand here and wait for me.ā€ She darts off to hide before I have the chance to protest.

I turn around to count to fifty. One, two, threeā€¦

ā€œYou have to count out loud!ā€

I start again. ā€œOne, two, threeā€¦ā€

I hit fifty and whirl around. ā€œReady or not, here I come!ā€

I hear a giggle near the side of the house. My daughter loves to play tag but she sucks at hiding. She thinks being a fast runner means she doesnā€™t need to hide well. She isnā€™t wrong.  

I pretend to search the area and circle the house in the other direction. As soon as Iā€™m out of her view, I start running as fast as I can which, admittedly, isnā€™t very fast.

I race all the way around the house until Iā€™m directly behind Isla. I slow and tiptoe toward her. Iā€™ve nearly reached her when she glances behind and sees me.


She squeals and dashes away. She doesnā€™t aim for home base, though. Not my daughter. She wants me to chase her around the yard. Since I can never say no to my girl, I do.

ā€œIā€™m going to get you!ā€

She throws her hands in the air and giggles. ā€œYou canā€™t catch me!ā€

Probably not, but I donā€™t give up. She nears the street and I accelerate until Iā€™m sprinting as fast as I can.  

ā€œDonā€™t go in the street!ā€

A man rushes out of the house next door and runs to Isla. She screeches to a halt in front of him. I slow down but I canā€™t stop. My legs are not under my control. I slam into the man and we topple to the ground.

ā€œIā€™m sorry.ā€ I scramble to get off of him.

ā€œOof! Careful where you put your knee.ā€

I look down and realize my knee is in his crotch. My face heats and I quickly put all my weight on my other knee causing me to tilt over and fall on the grass.

ā€œMom!ā€ Isla kneels next to me. ā€œAre you okay?ā€

ā€œIā€™m fine.ā€ Embarrassed but fine.

The man scowls at me. ā€œThis is your daughter?ā€

Here we go again. I got pregnant with Isla when I was seventeen. Some people can be unbelievably judgmental about teenage moms.

I get to my feet and wipe the grass off my jeans and shirt.

ā€œYou should be more careful,ā€ the man growls.

I fist my hands on my hips and face off with him. I open my mouth to give him a piece of my mind but stop when I catch my first sight of him.

Holy cows have come home and itā€™s time to do some milking! Someone is the definition of sexy. Heā€™s tall with broad shoulders, a thick beard, defined cheekbones, and green eyes I want to drown in.

My gaze travels down his body and I canā€™t help but notice how powerfully built he is. Those arms appear strong enough to lift me up and push me against the nearest flat surface. My body warms as I imagine how it would feel to have his hard body pressed against mine.

ā€œAre you listening to me?ā€ he grumbles.

His deep, gruff voice almost has me shivering. I imagine him ordering me around in the bedroom with his gruff voice and my breath stutters in my chest. I want that. I want it bad.

He snaps his fingers in my face. ā€œIā€™m talking to you.ā€

I clear my throat and force my thoughts away from sexy times with the stranger.

ā€œWhat did you say?ā€

ā€œI said,ā€ he growls. ā€œYou need to watch your daughter better. She could have ended up in the road and gotten hit by a car.ā€

His comment causes my daydream of us sweaty and naked together to vanish. What a jerk! I fist my hands on my hips.

ā€œI know how to care for my daughter.ā€

ā€œCould have fooled me.ā€

ā€œIā€™m her mom.ā€ I slap my chest. ā€œAnd look around.ā€ I wave toward the street. ā€œThere are no cars here.ā€

He nods to the house next door where thereā€™s a truck parked.  

I frown. This is Winter Falls. Trucks and cars are pretty much banned here since the townā€™s claim to fame is being the first carbon neutral town in the world. They are very serious about the environment here.

ā€œYou canā€™t own a truck.ā€

ā€œWe borrowed it since weā€™re moving in.ā€

ā€œMoving in?ā€

I knew the house next door was available to rent but I figured it would be a while before anyone rented it. The place has five bedrooms and the rent is five times what Iā€™m paying. Who can afford it?

He crosses his arms over his chest and grunts.

I ignore those muscular arms and concentrate on the problem here. Heā€™s going to be living next door. The man who thinks he can tell me how to raise my child. Hold on. Maybe thereā€™s a silver lining here. Maybe he has children who are Islaā€™s age.

ā€œDo you have children?ā€

He grunts again.

ā€œGrunting is not a proper answer.ā€

ā€œNo children.ā€ He motions to the four men standing on the porch watching our encounter.

Heā€™s living with four men? Are they roommates? Are they going to be loud and disrupt Islaā€™s sleep? I didnā€™t move to this small town to have a bunch of frat boys living next to me.  

One of the men waves and I realize I recognize him. Heā€™s Cash from the rock band Cash & the Sinners. I narrow my eyes and study the rest of the men. Holy smoke! Itā€™s the entire band.

The man standing in front of me isnā€™t just some grumpy neighbor who thinks he can tell me how to parent my child. My mouth starts to drop open but I snap it shut. I am not fangirling over the grump.

ā€œAre you in the band?ā€ I ask, although I already know the answer.

He nods. No wonder heā€™s sex on a stick. Heā€™s a freaking rockstar.

A rock band is living next door to me and my daughter. The young woman in me wants to squeal in excitement. The mom in me knows better.

I narrow my eyes at him. ā€œYou better not throw parties at all hours of the night.ā€

ā€œI donā€™t party.ā€

I motion to the guys on the porch. ā€œWhat about them?ā€

He frowns. ā€œNo parties in the house.ā€

ā€œGood. Thank you.ā€

I grasp Islaā€™s shoulder and steer her toward the house. At least, I try to. She plants her feet and refuses to move.

She stares up at him in wonder. ā€œAre you a rockstar?ā€

He smiles at her and a dimple pops out on each cheek. Oh my. The sexy grump becomes devilishly handsome when he smiles.

ā€œIā€™m Fender.ā€

ā€œIā€™m Isla.ā€ My daughter points to me. ā€œThis is my mom, Leia.ā€

ā€œYour mom should make sure you donā€™t run into the street.ā€

Weā€™re back to this again, are we?

ā€œAnd you should keep your nose out of other peopleā€™s business,ā€ I tell him before smiling down at my daughter. ā€œLetā€™s go.ā€

ā€œBut I want to meet the band,ā€ she whines.

ā€œI thought you wanted to make chocolate chip cookies.ā€

Itā€™s our Saturday tradition.

ā€œI almost forgot.ā€ She races toward the house. I follow at a normal pace.  

I glance back at the rockstar standing in my front yard. He hasnā€™t moved from where we left him. I make a shooing motion with my hand.

I donā€™t need a man like him in my life. I donā€™t need a man period. Learned my lesson there.

And Iā€™m done with people who tell me what to do and order me around. He can go choke on his guitar for all I care. Being sexy doesnā€™t mean he can be an ass.

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