Hints for making your blog title catchy #MondayBlogs #AmWriting

In today’s world where we have an overwhelming amount of information to sift through every day and little time in which to do such sifting – let alone the reading itself – producing interesting and well-written blogs is not enough. Unless you already have a HUGE following (if so, let me know how you did it), you need to also find people who want to actually read your blogs. I’ve written a lot about the so-called author platform. Today’s blog is not about that. Today, I’m simply going to talk about blog titles.

Why does your blog article need a catchy title?

captureCapture interest. Unless your title catches my interest, I won’t be reading your blog. I follow a ton of blogs for various reasons. I want to be informed about the writing industry, I want to find new books to read, and I just plain want to be informed. I use the WordPress App to scroll through the blogs I follow. I often do this on my phone while standing in line at the supermarket or waiting for my turn at the physical therapist’s office. Being totally honest here, I won’t read your blog if the title doesn’t catch my interest. Who has time to read mediocre blogs?



How to have a catchy title?

I’m not going to tell you how to write a catchy title. There are plenty of experts out there who are way better at that sort of thing. I will give you have few helpful hints.

Keep it short stupid (KISS). It’s not easy to make a short blog title. As Benjamin Franklin said,

I have already made this paper too long, for which I must crave pardon, not having now time to make it shorter.

There are few issues with longer titles. The entire title will be cut-off on the WordPress App. And the entire title will not show in a tweet. Instead the dreaded … will appear. Then, there’s also the fact that we humans appear to have shorter and shorter attention spans. I think my attention span is that of a gnat.

hashtags-signs-ss-1920Limit Hashtags. I will admit I’ve changed my mind about hashtags. I was adamantly opposed when I first started tweeting. Now, I’ve learned that hashtags are an essential part of tweeting. HOWEVER – there needs to be a balance between text and hashtags. All hashtags in a blog title will make me roll my eyes and keep scrolling. It’s difficult to ascertain what the blog is actually about if the title is just a bunch of hashtags. Scrolling on …

twitterTweeting. I try – try being the operative word here – to provide my twitter followers with interesting reading material. I like to tweet fun or thought-provoking blogs I read. I’m also lazy busy. I don’t want to come up with a catchy tweet. Nope. I want to steal yours. Just a reminder to configure your blog so that the blog title appears like you want it. I’d also advise adding @{your name} to the end of that configuration. That way you’ll see it in your twitter notifications each time someone tweets your article. Stalking opportunity!

Any other helpful hints for blog titles. Share in the comments.

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